Basic Knives for Beginning Whittlers

Basic Knives for Beginning Whittlers Whittling with pocket knives Before I got my first whittling knife I used my pocket knife, which, so long as it was sharp, did a great job. Throughout whittling history, whittlers used pockets knifes and some still choose them over specialized whittling knives. For me, the main benefit is that theyContinue reading “Basic Knives for Beginning Whittlers”

Strops & Stropping

Strops & Stopping by Del Stubbs, Pinewood Forge Strops & Stropping A Strop for carving tools needs a very fine surface for accepting compound – yet is thin enough to not cause gross rounding of the micro bevel.  I go through lots of hides at my leather wholesaler before I choose the ones that haveContinue reading “Strops & Stropping”

Whittling The Old Sea Captain

“Whittling The Old Sea Captain and Crew” by Mike Shipley A Book Review “Whittling The Old Sea Captain and Crew” is a delightful wood carving book written by Mike Shipley.  Mike, who is a noted wood carver is also, and perhaps more well known as a knife maker.  His top notch OCCT line of knivesContinue reading “Whittling The Old Sea Captain”

The Scroll Saw

Today I thought we would learn a little something about Scroll Saws…not owning one it’s a topic I personally knew very little about until I did some research on them.  We have discussed scroll saws a bit here in past blogs and I’m sure there are many carvers out there who use them.  I’m hopingContinue reading “The Scroll Saw”