How to Make Dirt

Many times when you make a carving (particularly a small one) you want to put it into a diorama, or little scene with added accessories such as docks, fences, and other little carvings to go with it.  If your scene is going to be set on the ground you will probably want to use someContinue reading “How to Make Dirt”

Human Face & Body Proportions, and the Rule of Three

When carving human figures knowledge of proper body proportions is essential, even if you are just carving a human face or bust.  This also holds true when carving caricatures.  In caricature carving, face and body proportions are often exaggerated or distorted but a basic knowledge of proper measurements is still important. This week I wantContinue reading “Human Face & Body Proportions, and the Rule of Three”

Carving Eyes with Tony Harris – Part 2

An Eye Tutorial by Tony Harris Part 2 Last week I posted Part 1 of a photo eye tutorial done by my good friend, Tony Harris from Tennessee.  Tony is an excellent carver who creates his own Santa ornaments and was gracious enough to share his expertise with us on how he carves the eyes. Continue reading “Carving Eyes with Tony Harris – Part 2”

Carving Eyes with Tony Harris – Part 1

An Eye Tutorial by Tony Harris Part 1 This week I am introducing Part 1 of a photo eye tutorial done by my good friend, Tony Harris from Tennessee.  Tony is an excellent carver who creates his own Santa ornaments and was gracious enough to share his expertise with us on how he carves theContinue reading “Carving Eyes with Tony Harris – Part 1”

Carving A Head

Carving A Head By Roger Stegall Below is a short picture tutorial on how to carve a head done by my good friend Roger Stegall, which is being posted here with Roger’s gracious permission.  The tutorial does not go into much detail but the photos do give you some idea as to how Roger doesContinue reading “Carving A Head”

Strops & Stropping

Strops & Stopping by Del Stubbs, Pinewood Forge Strops & Stropping A Strop for carving tools needs a very fine surface for accepting compound – yet is thin enough to not cause gross rounding of the micro bevel.  I go through lots of hides at my leather wholesaler before I choose the ones that haveContinue reading “Strops & Stropping”


HOW TO PAINT PLAID How To Paint Plaid by Mike Pounders* I recently completed a Mark Akers rough out and several people were interested in how I painted the flannel shirt the guy was wearing.  It won’t seem so difficult once you go through the steps a time or two!  I used 4 different colorsContinue reading “HOW TO PAINT PLAID”

Wood Burning A Black Background

The following is a short tutorial for all you wood burners out there, on how to burn a black background.  There’s much more to it than just rubbing your burning pen back and forth all over (as I would have thought).  Read on and learn some tips on proper wood burning technique.   Wood Burning AContinue reading “Wood Burning A Black Background”

Fitting a Baseball Hat on a Head

Fitting a Baseball Hat on a Head The picture tutorial shown below demonstrates how a baseball hat can be fitted onto a head to give the natural look that the head is actually inside the hat rather that the hat sitting on top of the head.  This method is the one used by Lynn DoughtyContinue reading “Fitting a Baseball Hat on a Head”

Tutorial – How To Carve A Moravian Star Ornament

The following is a tutorial on how I carve a Moravian star ornament.  Some of you may have already seen it when it appeared on my Instagram page @carverbobk during April 9-14.  I am posting it again here on my blog for the first time.  I hope everyone enjoys it and carves along with it!Continue reading “Tutorial – How To Carve A Moravian Star Ornament”